We were delighted to welcome our new Brilliant Ballybunion Community Collaborators to our first event at The Barna Way. It was great to get the opportunity to finally meet each other after all the planning and preparation. What a fantastic group with such a range of lived experiences, skills and passion for Ballybunion, this amazing place we call home.
We were treated to fantastic food, picked earlier in the day by chef Lily Toomey. A delicious Spring nettle soup with kale crisps! We walked the land and were just in time to see the beautiful red blossoms on the Elm trees. We made our way through the native woodland (now almost 4 years old and over our head in some parts) and back through the Ivy Grove and older trees on the Peace Path.
We tested out the new wellingtons in the mud, after weeks of rain before heading back for tea and coffee at the She-Bean. It was really heartwarming (despite the 8°C temperature and impending storm!) to hear everyone’s hopes and motivations for joining us on the Brilliant Ballybunion journey.