

What a brilliant day at Ballymaloe Food Festival!! Lots of great conversations about food and how to create healthy, inclusive and resilient soil and food systems in the context of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Well done to our community collaborators Antoinette and Sean for joining Lisa on stage with Karen O’Donoghue and thanks to Darina Allen for the big Brilliant Ballybunion shout out! The whole group brought great energy to the stage and the whole event!

Brilliant Ballybunion is opening our eyes and hearts and we are learning so much already from this experience with this amazing group of people.

Worth the long bus trip from Ballybunion to Ballymaloe!

Wild About Life 1

We had a brilliant day today at our first Wild About Life event with ecologist and team member Dr Joanne O Brien. We spent World Water Day – 22.03.24, literally immersed in nature and water, learning how to analyse river water quality. We were all amazed at the number of creatures living in water and what they can tell us about the quality of the water. We even got to listen to their activity underwater. We spent the afternoon in a living lab at The Barna Way. Thanks to Joanne for all the knowledge and skills sharing and to Rena for the great photos. We were reminded that drawing was very much a necessary part of a naturalist’s practice (pre photography to record nature) and it was great to see artist & collaborator Marta at work capturing the scene, along with lead artist and team member Lisa. We had another delicious lunch with organic salad from Manna Organic Store (Tralee) with freshly made soda bread and soup, again, thanks to Rena.


Dawn Chorus

Dawn Chorus

Join Rena Blake, Barry O’Donoghue & the blackbirds, pheasants, thrushes, finches & robins for a magical and musical extravaganza at 5am, 4th May. Experience the living aural landscape of the Dawn Chorus in the stunning surroundings of The Barna Way (V31YK68), an organic farm and native woodland just outside Ballybunion.


Please bring:

  • Rain gear
  • Wellies/boots
  • Water bottle
  • Keep Cup

Brilliant Ballybunion Goes Wild!!

Brilliant Ballybunion Goes Wild!!

An evening of radical hospitality, creativity & music at The Barna Way

6pm – 8pm Friday 3rd May 

With Jennie Moran, Katie O’Connor, Lisa Fingleton & Rena Blake


Please bring:

  • Rain gear
  • Wellies/boots
  • Water bottle
  • Keep Cup

Opening Night – Thank You

Opening Night – Thank You

We were delighted with the fantastic turnout for our Brilliant Ballybunion open night on 8th February. THANK YOU to Eileen and all her team at the gorgeous Coast Cafe for their wonderful hospitality and for making it a zero waste event and avoiding single use plastic. We really appreciate all the effort Eileen and Sandra made in sourcing all the ingredients for our open night including Fairtrade Tea and Coffee.

We were delighted to have all local and Irish ingredients for the vegetarian quiches – organic eggs and spinach from Leagh Farm, Apple tart with Irish flour sourced in Manna Organic store, Tralee and apples from The Barna Way, salads from Zeb Lawlor in Listowel and honey from Simply Devine Preserves at the Beach Hive
There was lots of great conversation about growing food, taking climate action and protecting biodiversity and everyone there interacted and left with a feeling of hope, curiosity and enthusiasm. We hope to find our Brilliant collaborators very soon. Thank you to Rena Blake for capturing the lovely atmosphere of the evening

Call for Community Collaborators

Call for Community Collaborators

Brilliant Ballybunion is inviting ten Community Collaborators to take part in this exciting new Creative Climate Action project.

The project will engage the local community to creatively explore the future for Ballybunion in terms of protecting habitats and local food systems in the context of taking climate action and protecting biodiversity.

Over the two years, this project aims to create long term transformative change in four stages: Information; Exploration; Inspiration and Expression.
Brilliant Ballybunion is one of 19 large scale IGNITE projects funded under the Creative Climate Fund through Creative Ireland. The project will run from February 2024 to December 2025.

Thank you to everyone who expressed their interest in becoming a community collaborator. We are delighted with the response. The B Team are excitedly going through all the inspiring applications and we hope to be back to everyone by the 23rd February

Find Out More