Ballymaloe Trip

Ballymaloe Trip

What a brilliant day at Ballymaloe Food Festival!! Lots of great conversations about food and how to create healthy, inclusive and resilient soil and food systems in the context of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Well done to our community collaborators Antoinette and Sean for joining Lisa on stage with Karen O’Donoghue and thanks to Darina Allen for the big Brilliant Ballybunion shout out! The whole group brought great energy to the stage and the whole event!

Brilliant Ballybunion is opening our eyes and hearts and we are learning so much already from this experience with this amazing group of people.

Worth the long bus trip from Ballybunion to Ballymaloe!

Friday on the Farm 3 May 2024

Friday on the Farm 3 May 2024

What a brilliant day on our third Friday on Farm with our amazing project collaborators. We started with delicious scones made by Rena followed by meditation and reflection in the forest.

Then we made mini meadows from recycled paper, soil and organic meadow seed. After that Lisa went through the joys and challenges of being a beekeeper. Sad news today that one hive didn’t survive the very wet winter… a stark reminder of the importance of Farming for Nature and ensuring that pollinators have enough food and wild spaces to survive.

Mona made a delicious bake with chard from the garden and salads (grown by the group) with gorgeous porridge bread made by Caroline AND delicious cake by Aine! We were really inspired by our events last week with Jennie (High Luncheonette) and Lily and the importance of hospitality and food.

We prepared and set the bean bed in the glorious sunshine

Dawn Chorus

Dawn Chorus

Magic in nature! Thank you to everyone who came for the Dawn Chorus with Barry O Donoghue and Rena Blake at The Barna Way… thanks to all the birds who performed in the early morning symphony and to Jennie Moran of High Luncheonette for her delicious porridge

We have had an amazing few days and are delighted to be part of the MOYA Festival

Brilliant Ballybunion Goes Wild!!

Brilliant Ballybunion Goes Wild!!

“What we sow here now today will bloom tomorrow…”
The beautiful voice and lyrics of singer songwriter Katie O’Connor opened the MOYA Festival on the Earthlings stage in the woodland at The Barna Way.
This reminds us of the importance of setting our intentions and vision for the future we want to B!
Then came the beautiful words of artist Jennie of High Luncheonette at Brilliant Ballybunion Goes Wild!! This was our first public event and we had a magical evening celebrating food and music in the heart of nature with our community collaborators and their guests.
We are delighted to work with the talented Lily Toomey as a Creative Food Collaborator with Brilliant Ballybunion. For the last few days Lily has prepared the most amazing plant based food using as much locally sourced ingredients as possible from The Barna Way, Leagh Farm and Manna Organic, Tralee
Not only have we been nourished by her food, but also inspired by her research into Irish bogs.

It was lovely to see all the connections and collaborations with Lily, Jennie Moran (High Luncheonette) and Katie O’Connor music, weaving the web of creative talents connected to our wonderful town Ballybunion.
Thanks to Bob, Mike, Joe, Gerry, Hugh, Natalia for all your amazing work behind the scenes to create the forest venue and the spaces for people to gather
Thanks to Creative Ireland for funding our project and events through the Creative Climate Action Fund


Dawn Chorus Poster

Dawn Chorus Poster

Join Rena Blake, Barry O’Donoghue & the blackbirds, pheasants, thrushes, finches & robins for a magical and musical extravaganza at 5am, 4th May. Experience the living aural landscape of the Dawn Chorus in the stunning surroundings of The Barna Way (V31YK68), an organic farm and native woodland just outside Ballybunion.


Please bring:

  • Rain gear
  • Wellies/boots
  • Water bottle
  • Keep Cup

BB Goes Wild Poster

BB Goes Wild Poster

An evening of radical hospitality, creativity & music at The Barna Way

6pm – 8pm Friday 3rd May 

With Jennie Moran, Katie O’Connor, Lisa Fingleton & Rena Blake


Please bring:

  • Rain gear
  • Wellies/boots
  • Water bottle
  • Keep Cup